Preparing for the FRENCH EXAM for Health Professional Practice in Québec: A Guide for Nurses and Doctors

Price : 40,95 $ received by end of day*
Click here for a preview of the Table of contents.
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The purchase of this manual gives you access to several appendices and other online resources:
Description :
This manual is for nurses and doctors who must pass the French exam as candidates to their professional order, and sutdent nurses, doctors ans residents who wish to communicate better in their daily interactions with patients.
The 16 modules found in this manual will guide you step-by-step in acquiring the necessary knowledge and competencies.
Following the modules, you will learn, for example:
- Vocabulary necessary for explaining what you do on a daily basis, such as determining a plan of care, making a diagnosis or prescribing a treatment, explaining to a patient their illness and its management, etc.;
- Basic tenses to be able to report on the current status of a patient as well as their antecedents and medical history, and to make recommendations;
- Essential grammatical elements to construct a clear and simple sentence;
- How to prepare for the exam;
- The main rules of subject-verb agreement when speaking or writing.
In summary, to succeed with the exam or to communicate clearly with a patient, the message must be clear and precise. No need to make it complicated!
Preparing for the French Exam
for Real Estate Brokers in Quebec

Price : 37 $ received by end of day*
Click here for a preview of the Table of contents.
Also available in
Description :
Developed for future realtors, who will be undertaking the French Exam for candidates to the professional orders, The French-English guide to Real Estate Terminology assists candidates in improving and enlarging their professional vocabulary. Candidates will better understand how to use the appropriate terminology through the use of exercises and examples from the profession.
The “French – English Guide to Real Estate Terminology” is divided into 5 parts:
- Part 1: Description of the features and the location of the property: types of properties, the interior, and exterior of the immovable, heating systems, roofing, construction materials, etc.;
- Part 2: The condition of the property and its history: its problems and hidden defects and any work needing to be done, the various titles of professionals working in construction, and how to place events in terms of their location in time;
- Part 3: The process of selling and purchasing a property and the contracts and other legal documents related to it. Financing and legal aspects.;
- Part 4: Divided and undivided co-ownership: Vocabulary and documentation specific to these types of properties;
- Part 5: Income properties and renting.
* Your digital copy of the book will be sent to your email address within the same day following purchase if ordered before 5pm, and the next day if ordered after 5pm